A Happy Valentine's Day

Lydia is off to Family School with her Valentines.

A Valentine box from a world away arrived at the door on this red letter day.  My marvelous husband knows my pleasure and addiction of collecting sea shells on the sea shore.  He knows my heart best.  He collects me shells as the months pass.  What a reminder of his constant, devoted love on such a day.  Oh, that he would know my love in return in such a way!

Beautiful shells collected for me!

Every shell a thought for me.
Thank you, My Love, for such tokens of beauty.

Grains of white sand....


Valentine Bouquet

1 Corinthians 13 LOVE

Valentine Dinner

Two of My Favorite Valentines!

Blessed Mommy

Cookies and Berry Yogurt Smoothie

Mustaches from Dad!

Plethora of Love

I'm Loved!

Gabe is Loved!

Lydia is Loved!
Sweet tradition that is good for the heart!

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