New Year


New Year Toast with Sammo and family, as Haddi moved the clock forward to the strike of midnight on the Eve.  2023 - to Jesus - Yeshua, God's Salvation.

I started the New Year melancholic, but Marshal took me out in the cold sunshine for a loop around the pasture land, letting the dogs romp.

Good Man

New Year's Eve Day 2022

 We drove early to Uncle Eric's for belated Christmas brunch and exchange of gifts.  We had planned for the 24th, but freezing rain and road conditions delayed us.  This last day of 2022 was a perfect send off for the year.

Rheanne passed out the stockings and gifts.

Aunt Lara on the left, spending time with Grandma and Grandpa, shared Christmas with us.  Diane's sister and nephews joined us today as well.

Jameson and Madeline tete a tete.

Stocking Suffers!

My son Gabe and I.   Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!