20 years Anniversary

On the East Fork Trail to Tamanawas Falls

A man who has become... by long work, training and severe tests.
 According to the UPS website, Tamanawas is a Salish term that means “the coming of age”. A more complete description can be found in the 1920-1921 Tamanawas, where it says that “Too-man-a-wus is the term used by the aboriginal people of the Northwest for a man or woman who has become, by long work, training and sever tests, following rules laid down by custom, to be an efficient healer of diseases and by the guiding hand of the medicine spirit to give correct diagnosis… Too-man-a-wus was therefore the goal of only the brave, the fearless and worthy ones”. To obtain this definition, the yearbook staff (the juniors of CPS) consulted Mr. Henry Sicade, “a Northwest Indian residing here in [their] midst.”
Have we "come of age?"  May we be under the Guiding Hand of the Holy Spirit.

Timberline stands like a castle or fortress at the base of the tree line of Mt Hood.

Our View - Looks like a hop and a skip to the summit.

Looking into those blue eyes.  Reminiscing of a first date to Mt Hood, skiing, dinner at the Brew Pub in Hood River, and my first valentine from Marshal, 2000.
Why the ram's head?  Starting a Bible Study of Daniel and thinking of chapter 8.

That was our table at the picture window.

O' Beautiful for Spacious Skies
Mt Jefferson in the Background
Franklin D Roosevelt Chair for September 28, 1937 Dedication of the Lodge.  What a history during a troubled time and what a feat!

Our Native American moon month is The Rose Moon.
Social Distancing and Masks Required!
Just before removing the latest accessory upon exiting the front door.

Marshal chose us a couple donated masks from the clinic  Thank you Trout Lake Quilters.  
He brought me this one.  Paris City of Love:  Je t'adore! Mon amour, les lettres d'mour.  If I had to don a mask let it say, "I love you, My Love," as a love letter.  Perfect!

Marshal reminisced of a his Hood to Coast X-Country run as a younger man.  He started and ended the race from Timberline to the beach!  We also remembered that we both spent the night together on this mountain for our High School Grad party!   No, we didn't speak to one another that night, 32 years ago, but we share the memories in detail!

Timberline Lodge, National Historic Site
Totally content with this man at the wheel.
What a beautiful day, just like 20 years ago.

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