Rosh Hashanah

September 30th is a significant day to me.  September 30, 2001 was my firstborn's due date.  I had to learn trust in God rather than anxiety with the sovereignty and timing of my Gabriel's birth.  Marshal was on a ship being deployed to the Persian Gulf in the wake of the Twin Towers falling.  My OB doctor was at the Pentagon on 9-11 even, and although he had returned, he had us make plans for his own absence.  (Gabe came on October 5th, perfect timing, on the eve of a 5 day stand down before a ship pre-deployment work up, and both my doctor and a midwife attended Gabe's birth with Marshal and my mom at my side.  I was surrounded in love and support and gave birth to a very special boy.
September 30, 2017, I was looking to Christ's reappearing.  I woke up in the spirit that pounded my soul to His soon coming with the August 21st solar eclipse, and I had expectancy as sure as a pregnancy with a due date of His coming.  Rosh Hoshannah came and went.  September 30th was the marked Day of Atonement.  I was feeling rebuked, alienated, confounded, heartbroken.  In the early morning, I woke up to God's Word, Isaiah 42:3, "A bruised reed shall he not break, and the smoking flax shall he not quench;  he shall bring forth judgment unto truth."  And then, the words leapt from the page right into my soul with unquenchable joy, "Fear not, daughter of Zion; behold, your king is coming!" John 12:15.  
Fast forward, two years:
September 30, 2019, Rosh Hashanah.  Will the last trumpet blow?  Will we hear the heavenly sound?  He has taught me so much.  I still wait in expectancy along with so many others around the world, but His ways and timing are so much greater than anything we have imagined or understood.
This morning Gabe brought me a little quail egg.  I posted on Facebook.
Psalm 105:104, They asked, and He brought quail....
Rosh Hashanah, September 30, 2019. Gabe was gifted quail eggs this summer. 11 hatched and grew. One of these babies laid a first egg this morning. Such a surprise! A sweet message from the Bread of Heaven that He will provide for His people this year? L’Shanah Tovah, a sweet year. Sweetness reminds me of the Lord’s righteous rule, sweeter than honey and the honeycomb, Ps 19:10; and His Word, sweeter than honey to my mouth, Ps 119:103. May we have a sweet year abiding in His Word and righteous rule.
11 is connected with judgement in the Scriptures.  Though the world come under judgement, know that those who trust in the LORD will be covered, provided for, and brought out with joy.

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