Full Moon of the First Day of Spring

The third Super moon of 2019, the last Super moon of a trifecta, rose above the tree line last night.  The Native American names are of course fitting for the season.  January Super Wolf Moon was a foreboding blood moon on a cold winter night.  February Super Snow Moon came with heavy snows and blizzards across the midwest.  And March's last Super Worm Moon accompanied the spring equinox, the first day of spring, melting snows, warm sunshine, and so many red-breasted robins seeking earthworms in the valley that I've hardly been able to drive down the road without fear of hitting a wild flier.  This moon has also been called a Lenten Moon.  If the moon had delayed a day, it would have been a Pascal Moon preceding Easter on my birthday, the first full moon after the 21st of March and Spring Equinox.  Instead the Pascal Moon is postponed a month, but last night's moon was a Purim Moon.  Purim began at sundown.
May this moon remind us to pose the question too ourselves, "Yet who knows whether you have come to the kingdom (been chosen) for such a time as this?"

Full Worm Moon at Spring Equinox

New Driver

Lydia getting behind the wheel. 
Driving herself to school at the Farmhouse with cousins.

 Mom is in the passenger seat and can take in the views!

 Mountain Views!
Mt Hood
Mt Adams

First Day of Spring For Real

Signs that give evidence of spring around the front door!  

First Day of Spring

Moon set with March 20, 2019 sunrise. 
Headed to the barn for morning milking.  Marshal already has the lights on in the parlor.

Snow is disappearing for the first day of spring!
Peek-a-boo of Mt Hood in the morning light.

Hungry Birds

Late February Woodpecker looking for spring.
The birds are singing their hearts out.  Gabe has feeders behind the house.  The birds are happy for his hand outs, as false early spring gave way to late winter snows.

Turkeys March into March

The turkeys say it is spring!  They are eating seed on our back porch, thanks to Gabe.

Afternoon Ski

Kids joined a sledding party, and Marshal and I took two of the dogs on a ski down the road.

Marshal with his puppies, Saphy and Sheba.

February 14

Lydia's Sweet Valentines 
1 Corinthians 13 Love on the Hearth

 Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.
Love never fails.
Love YOU!

Love is in the Air!

Life would stink without you!!

After the Storm

Gabe got Dad's snow blower blowing again.  Hurray!

The sun came out and brought the snow off the barn roof in one big avalanche!  No casualties.  We ran out and did a head count - two sheep, two pigs, Gris, and guineas. 
Buried in Billowy Snow

Digging out the Clinic

Closed until 1pm

Gabe's a snow removal machine.

48in / 48hrs

Found some more snow photos!

Where is the Subaru?

Winter Snows in February

Just when we were getting comfortable with the idea of no threatening winter in Trout Lake and our sights on spring, the winter storms hit along with the rest of the continent.  The beauty of the first, silent, perpetual snowfall that buried spring bulbs for weeks....
Saphy at 4 months old.

Hawthorne berries for red lips.

Yarrow arms open wide.

Lydia's artistic hand with spruce hair, berry lips, pine cone nose, rock eyes, and dried up black-eyed susan buttons.

Saphy says she tastes like a snow cone.

Front door view