Districts at Big Cross

Pasco, WA favorite course and a sweet team!
Running through the prairie brush of Pasco 
Her feet have wings; don't even touch the ground.
Coming in to the finish line as number 5 on her team, and 7th over all for a top placement ribbon.
Forty-Niner - 7X7, 7th place- Perfect 7 kind of day
Oct. 23, and she ran 3.1 miles in 23:23.
District Champs
Go!  Mt Adams Countrymen - White Swan and Trout Lake

Blue Mustangs take the lead in the first lap.
2, 3, 4, 5 following after Justin, our Trout Lake fastest, out front way beyond the photo frame.
Finishing in 5th place with a PR - personal record of 17:36
District Champs!

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