What's on my camera from June?

Garden Greens!
Gabe's hatch of Black Copper Marans and Olive Eggers.

Country French!

Perennial flower garden surprise is always changing.
Early garden gave us early greens and the best crop of lamb's quarter!

Marshal's garden has some corn and climbing peas along with a nice bed of potatoes in the straw behind.

Salvaged from the lawn before Marshal mowed the carpet of wild yarrow and daisies.

Brought back a bit of Whidbey Island from my strawberry bed with an added calendula and sweet borage blossoms.  Have you ever tasted borage?  No wonder the bees hum so happily among it.  Blossoms taste like honey.  I mixed them in the sliced berries for strawberry shortcake dessert with just a touch more honey.

1 comment:

  1. Well here am I, totally touched by your beautiful posting. Head over heels in love with each picture, I will comment on the ones that come up as I sit here, the strawberries brought from 'home' with borage blossoms & calendula, so pretty; the french touch, the beautiful gardens.. Marshal's mowing & Gabe's chicks. I will be watching for more glimpses into the lives of the not rich or famous in the world's eyes, but in God's values. What is Lydia doing besides reading in a lovely spot & playing with her cousins?
    Love from Sue..
