Garden Greens! |
Gabe's hatch of Black Copper Marans and Olive Eggers. |
Clematis! |
Country French! |
Perennial flower garden surprise is always changing. |
Early garden gave us early greens and the best crop of lamb's quarter! |
Marshal's garden has some corn and climbing peas along with a nice bed of potatoes in the straw behind. |
Salvaged from the lawn before Marshal mowed the carpet of wild yarrow and daisies. |
Well here am I, totally touched by your beautiful posting. Head over heels in love with each picture, I will comment on the ones that come up as I sit here, the strawberries brought from 'home' with borage blossoms & calendula, so pretty; the french touch, the beautiful gardens.. Marshal's mowing & Gabe's chicks. I will be watching for more glimpses into the lives of the not rich or famous in the world's eyes, but in God's values. What is Lydia doing besides reading in a lovely spot & playing with her cousins?
ReplyDeleteLove from Sue..