Christmas Cut Outs and Taffy Pull

Jemma, wearing Grammy's early childhood apron, helps Mommy make Christmas cut out sugar cookies.
 My sis and I arrived with our families at Mom and Dad's before Christmas, cousins together.  Gabe and Lydia were anxious to not miss out on an old-fashioned taffy pull!  You know, the kind described in Laura Ingall's Wilder's Farmer Boy and old Raggedy Ann story books.  We followed the recipe from the Little House Cookbook.  We ended up putting the first trial too soft taffy back in the pot with another 1/4 cup of sugar and bringing to 260ºF again.  Turned out perfect, and the more you pulled with buttered fingers, the lighter in color and stiffer it got.
All hands are in!

Jemma lovin' it.

Fun with candy.

Grammy and Hadassah looking on.

Coolness.  You can see Gabe's taffy lightening in color.

Naphtali and mom pulling together.

Dassah, 15 months, busy playing in the sink.

Wrapping the candy for Christmas stockings.  It was melt in your mouth delicious!  Reminded me of my memory of See's caramel suckers.  Gabe pulled out a molar with it.

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