May Morning WalkAbout

The chicks spent their first night in the chicken tractor, and as I went out early to check on them and let them out of the house, I was prompted to return for the camera and walk about in the warm sunshine.  What a glorious spring morning!
Blue Bells and fading Tulip petals.

Busy Bee

Pullets and a rooster perhaps?  First morning out!  Mary, Marin, Marty, Del, and Delta!

Home Depot Saturday Project Bird feeder

Second Feeder among the Apple Blossoms

Surprises me that birds don't go for cranberries.  A string from the Christmas tree....  Maybe the birds detected that they weren't organic?

Looking through the old swing on the apple tree to the neighboring flowering plums.

Lilacs reach to the sky.

Mmmm.... beautiful.

Gabe's still snoozing behind the above window.

Wooly burdened sheep.

Gabe's sunflowers are up in front of the coop of hens.

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