Costume Fun

Dressing up is lots of fun.  We had an opportunity to "dress up" in lieu of the upcoming holiday that I abhor to celebrate.  My sis reminded me how exciting and naturally delightful to a child's imaginative heart it is, and I was more inclined to indulge my children in it and even participate by donning a few extra accessories as well.  We went to the barn where we fellowship with Christians, enjoyed brisket dinner; the kids played games with prizes, and Lydia won back a few of Mom's cupcakes on the cake walk.
So here I have an onslaught of photos of my favorite subjects.  You might recognize the pirate costume from Grandma's Christmas treasure box gift  a couple years back.  Lydia's costume was inspired by our trip to Virginia.  She wore a dress of mine that I could tie the skirting up on, over an old Disney princess dress hoop.

Colonial Lady and a Pirate

Fancy braids were the finishing touch.

Beware the hook!

 A demure shot.


Fancy Feet.  (Gabe was actually a little self-conscious about his costume being too fancy.)

Caught him candid.

Oops!  Forgot my eye patch the whole time!

Employed Marshal with the camera for a shot with our girl.

And we are off to Family Fun Festival.

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