Growing up!

Marshal commented on how his kids are growing up.

Liddy and Tirza
Lydia asked if Tirza could be her dog since the arrival of the new puppy. We are all one family, but it is nice that she has voluntarily taken more responsibility of Tirza's care.

A young hen, hand raised as a chick, allowed petting and holding at a neighboring small homestead of a friend. Lydia and Gabe had the chance to ride bareback on a chestnut mare that day. Lydia was so excited to ride and had dreamed many hours of owning her own pony. Alas, she found herself allergic to the horse! We had to hurry home for a dose of oral liquid benadryl to calm her chest pain after she'd washed and calmed the sneezing, snot and sore throat attack! Mercy!

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