Shore Exploration

I have failed to regularly allow my children this pleasure. Because I've often given the excuse, "too cold, too wet," everyday that the sun peeks through the clouds is proclaimed a "beach day" by Gabe. Several times a week, we drive the bay's shoreline, and many times the tide is out, exposing rocks, barnacles, pools of discovery. Gabe stares out the window with yearning. He never fails to comment, "Look at the beach. Can we go to the beach today?" I have been able to stall from driving down the road, pulling over and letting them out for most of three seasons with a "not-so-good" excuse. Why is it so hard to "make time" for the natural wonders and opportunities right around us? It is Gabe's absolute delight to turn rocks and see the scurry of crabs. He discovered a little eel-like creature called a gunnel last summer. Today he filled his bucket with tiny fish, almost microscopic shrimp, and a few prize crabs before returning them to their natural habitat. His longing was fulfilled for awhile in the low tide of evening. He still asked as we clambered into the car, "Can we come back tomorrow?"

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